She Rises

a darkling creature stirs in the evening.

Rain falls, in pitter-patter patterns on the ground above her head, and she feels the damp drip of it seeping into her skin; pale as bone in moonlight and opaque, a frosted window revealing so much more than a mere human.

She may well have been human once, of the breathing, bleeding, dying kind, but that was a long time ago. So long it might have been a dream. Now the human form lingers only to hold the vast concept she embodies. She is a cypher, a symbol; both reminder and reassurance to the humans that still live out their short lives Above.

The rain is her call to action; an echo of all the tears and torn hearts that have cried out for her through the dark Winter months.

She has been gone a long time.

And despite their fervent beliefs she is not all knowing; she is not the one who has shepherded them through the dark time. She has no idea what awaits her on the surface.

How hard the frosts?
How long the nights?
How deep the depressions?

All secrets denied to her as she slumbered in the cold Earth; secrets it is now her job to soothe and make right. No easy task, for the human heart (as she once knew) is complex and contrary and requires more than sunlight and soaked roots to be placated.

So it is with some reluctance that she – the darkling bride, draped in her rootweb finery – hears the call of the season above, feels the cries of the people in her soul and responds. Frozen limbs stir slowly and it is only the knowledge that the snowdrops are rising with her that coaxes the spark of her heart into flame.

It would be so much easier to remain asleep (and yet…)

It will be a gradual, heavy ascent into the light, into life; one she is achingly familiar with, for she has never ignored the summons… and she never will.


‘Peace Tea’ Online Participation

For all those who can’t make it to Glossop this evening for our Peace Tea gathering I invite you to join us by connecting to the energies and intentions we are raising in your own space, at the same time…


The Details

When: Tuesday 29th November (New Moon!); anytime between 7pm-9pm

Where: Wherever you are

Why: To bring a little more peace and love into your life and into the World

The Instructions

Before the event

COMMENT on this post with your name and location to let us know you are joining us.

During the event…anytime between 7-9pm

Step 1: 

Find yourself a warm and cosy space, or a chilly, outdoorsy space, wherever you feel most relaxed and can spend some time being quiet, listening to your thoughts and connecting with your heart.

Step 2:

Gather some images and items that make you feel peaceful, open-hearted and connected to the spirit of life (in whatever form you perceived this). Arrange these in whatever way feels most appropriate and inspiring.

Then, prepare a cup/mug/drinking vessel of your drink of choice.

* I’m going to suggest tea as the obvious choice here, however if you aren’t a tea drinker then consider using water, perhaps flavoured with cordial if you prefer. I would avoid high caffeine drinks such as coffee or fizzy pop purely as it will likely mess with your energy and make it more difficult to concentrate and feel peaceful… because you know, caffeine! *

Step 3:

Ensure you won’t be disturbed. Put the laptop and phone away, tell your flatmates and family you’re busy, feed the dog, placate the cat etc etc etc…

Then centre yourself and connect to your heart. Use whatever method feels right for you; it might include listening to music, silent meditation or the creation of sacred space. See here for one idea.

Step 4:

When you feel ready, bring your thoughts to the notion of peace and how it is/isn’t present in your life and the World around us. Consider reading some poetry or listening to some music that is inspired by ideas of peace; a quick Google search should bring up some suggestions. Alternatively take one of the objects or images you chose earier and consider it for a while, let your mind gently ponder the notion of peace and connection within yourself, your community and the World.

You might like to jot these thoughts down in a journal or create a picture to reflect them; you can do this now or after the event.

Step 5:

When you feel ready, start to form these thoughts into an intention.

This will be a manifestation of peace and love in our World that you would like to see come into being or continue being. It might be directly inspired by a current incident or state of affairs, or it could be much broader than that.

Aim to eventually express this intention without making direct reference to a single situation; not because it isn’t important to want to help a specific cause but because offering the World our energy without too much expectation encourages it to find a natural balance, rather than skewing things (again!) with our limited human perspective.

For example:

“Get Trump out of office!”


“Bring us leaders who hold peace and acceptance strongly in their hearts.”

That isn’t to say you shouldn’t hold any causes that are important to you close to your heart throughout this process; trust me, they will be heard!

Step 5:

With your intention fully formed, take a deep breath and connect to your heart. Feel or know that your are connected to the Earth beneath you and all the lives upon it, human and otherwise. Feel or know that you are becoming a part of the Peace Tea gathering taking place in Glossop, that you are with us in spirit and we are with you and that you lend strength to our intentions as we lend strength to your.

When you feel ready say out loud:

“In this place of Peace I ask: [your intention] So may it be.”

Say it as many times as you feel necessary to make it so. You could also do some small act to reinforce it such as light a candle, write it down or throw a stone into water.

Step 6:

With your intention made, allow the peaceful energy you have created to surround you in your chosen space. It might be a feeling of warmth, a golden light, or simply a sensation of knowing. However you experience it, know it comes from your heart and the hearts of everyone gathered for Peace Tea.

Pick up your cup and hold it between both hands.

Imagine that peaceful energy within you, moving through your hands and into the liquid within. Say to yourself or out loud:

“Peace be with me.”

Take a drink.

Turn your thoughts to everyone gathered – in life and in the ether – for Peace Tea and direct that energy to them.

“Peace be with you.”

Take a drink.

Finally turn your thoughts to the World and direct the energy there.

“Peace be with All.”

Take a drink and if you can offer some to the Earth (or put some aside to offer later).

Step 7:

Give thanks in whatever way feels appropriate and then stay within this space as long as you like; enjoying the sensation of being in a peaceful place and connected to good hearts. Be sure to have a little something to eat as soon as possible (I suggest cake as a wonderful accompaniment to any beverage

That’s it! You’ve taken part in Peace Tea and added your energy and intent to a hearty brew that can be enjoyed by us all.

Do comment below or drop me an email if you have any questions and to let me know how it goes!






1. photo credit: MonteMare25 Tea in the trees via photopin (license)

2. photo credit: PhoebeZu Smile! via photopin (license)

Joining us online for Peace Tea?

For all those who can’t make it to Glossop for our upcoming Peace Tea gathering I invite you to join us in the ether by connecting to the energies and intentions we are raising in your own space, at the same time…


The Details

When: Tuesday 29th November (New Moon!); anytime between 7pm-9pm

Where: Wherever you are

Why: To bring a little more peace and love into your life and into the World


Before the event

COMMENT on this post with your name and location to let us know you are joining us.

During the event…anytime between 7-9pm

Find yourself a warm and cosy space, or if you prefer a chilly, outdoorsy space; ideally wherever you feel most relaxed and can spend some time being quiet, listening to your thoughts and connecting with your heart.

If you like, decorate this space with images and items that make you feel peaceful, open-hearted and connected to the spirit of life (in whatever form you perceived this).

Also prepare a tea cup/mug/drinking vessel of your drink of choice.

*I’m going to suggest tea as the obvious choice here, however if you aren’t a tea drinker then consider using water, perhaps flavoured with cordial if you prefer.*

You might also like to have a journal and pen and art supplies handy if you fancy incorporating some journaling or creating into your experience.

Also be sure to have a little something to eat at hand to ground you at the end.


Full details on what to do in your cosy, peace space will be posted on the blog at 10am on Tuesday morning!

Be sure to sign up for alerts or check back on the day to get the full experience.

  • Remember, COMMENT below to let me know if you are joining us!



photo credit: PhoebeZu <a href=”″>Smile!</a&gt; via <a href=””>photopin</a&gt; <a href=””>(license)</a&gt;


Tea Time!

The kettle will be on from 7pm for a 7:30pm start

on Tuesday 29th November

at Glossop Labour Club, SK13 8AT (upstairs room)

Join me and other like-minded folks to create, experience and express peaceful and compassionate energy for ourselves, our community and our World.

With opportunities to sharing thoughts and for quiet contemplation and meditation, this event is open to anyone seeking sanctuary from the uncertainties and anxieties of social, political and emotional unrest.

This is not a space for fixing, problem solving or debating; this is a safe space into which we can offer energy, wishes and prayers for love, peace and acceptance; a pot in which they can mingle and brew. The result (I hope!) will be a renewed sense of hope and wellbeing in our spirit, in our World and amongst our fellow Humans.

If you decide to join us please consider bringing an object or image that evokes peace in your heart, to decorate the space. You might also like to bring along a favourite hot drink or some food to share. As this is currently a one-off event (future tbc) there is no charge, however donations towards room hire etc will be gratefully received.

Hoping to see some of you there.


If you aren’t able to join us in-life then fear not! Details for an online serving of Peace Tea will be available early next week. WATCH THIS SPACE


Lets give Peace Tea a chance!


Peace Tea Update!



Big thanks to everyone who offered their support and their space for us to gather and make some Peace Tea.

I am currently chasing a lead and will let you know if/when we have a date and time confirmed.

Rest assured Peace Tea WILL be

Time For Peace

I’m sitting here still reeling from the result of the 2016 US Election. From my tiny terraced house in the North of the UK I feel the ripples of fear, uncertainty and animosity spreading not just across that divided land but also our own; and every other land on our planet. Whether we acknowledge it or not the result of this election will (already is) affect us all.

And I feel powerless. In the face of such an infernal machine as politics I always have, but now it is not just this which unsettles me. It is the promise of greater division, greater loss of compassion and acceptance and connection that shakes me at my core.

I want to do something.

And I know I’m not the only one.

So lets do something.

I’m not going to promise aggressive action here; that’s not who I am and it’s not how I walk the wheel. For those who tread gently, as I do, I am going to create a space where we can gather together as concerned humans; humans who feel the need to connect and create more peace and compassion in our ever shifting society.

There will be no need to believe any certain ideas, to hold any specific beliefs except this:

Peace and compassion are needed in our World.
They belong to us all and are the responsibility of us all.

If you can agree with that then consider yourself invited to join me for some Peace Tea (link coming).

If you are local to the High Peak/Sheffield/Derbyshire area of the UK then check out the Facebook page or join the mailing list for more information on a real-life gathering. For those outside of or unable to travel to that area, watch this space for more on a virtual gathering to coincide with the in-life one.

It’s still our World folks, no matter how hijacked it’s feeling right now.

Keep loving, keep noticing, keep walking the wheel.

With much love

Keli x


(Image from

Merry meet, merry part…



I hope everyone has been enjoying the ever changing weather recently; April has certainly felt like a bit of battleground between the departing Winter and the newly arrived Spring. Here’s hoping Beltane will bring a lttle more warmth and stability.

I have been in a similar conflict myself this past month or so; there has been an unexpected amount of loss and struggle in my life that has really shaken up and brought into focus a lot of things I’ve been questioning since the dark end of last year. One of those things is my continued running of Walk the Wheel.

I imagine many of you will have guessed this already; various attempts to change things and try new formats can often indicate uncertainty of the path ahead. This uncertainty can be exciting, inspiring and very desirable, particularly as we forge ahead into a new growing season. However it can also be frustrating, debilitating and an indicator that things need to change…

I’ve realised that my uncertainty is of the second kind.

I’ve been fighting this truth for some months; although I’ve sensed a need to release Walk the Wheel in its current form into the ether, seeing where it eventually ends up and perhaps allowing it to transform and be born anew in the future, I’ve been too afraid to do so. Afraid it would look like failure or a waste and afraid to lose all the wonderful connections I’ve made along the way.  Despite being a great advocate of letting go and trusting in the cycles of nature, my instinct has been overcome by my fear of losing the friendships and community that I have been blessed to know and be a part of over these past years. Some of these friendships are still quite new, others go back much further; all are very important to me and something I am loath to see lost because I am feeling ‘uncertain’.

But if there is one thing walking the Wheel has taught me its that these feelings are often nudges towards a new path that holds new adventures and opportunities; for now I think my path needs to move away from organising Walk the Wheel.

So it is with a heavy but hopeful heart that I’m calling off this Saturday’s gathering. Our Spring Equinox in March evening ended so beautifully with the assembled Wheel Walkers stepping into the light of Spring and forming a circle of candles together; this feels like a great testament to all we have created together over the years and the right moment to end on. I will not be organising any other seasonal celebrations, indoor or out, until further notice; but if I ever do I promise you will all be the first to know about it.

I hope that your celebration of the festivals of the Wheel will continue regardless. No doubt we will all discover new and exciting inspirations and opportunities and I would love to hear all about them so please keep in touch! I hope to keep sending out ocassional newsletter-type-things and updating the blog to keep folks up to date on any other work and/or one-off events I may be creating so watch this space (and drop me an email if you’d like to be on the mailing list!)

I truly hope that all those who have attended Walk the Wheel in the past know they are welcome (and encouraged!) to stay in touch; you all hold a warm place in my heart and I would love to see you all again out in the big, wide, World.

To that end, if anyone feels called to take up the mantle and organise some seasonal events themselves…PLEASE DO!  As so many people have said to me in the past, we need these celebrations and I will be very happy to help any way I can; giving advice, letting people know about them and of course attending! Celebrating with you all has been a great joy and I’d love to do it again (without being the one in charge). So if you have the itch, I urge you to follow it and let me know if I can be of any assistance.

So, to clarify, there will not be a Beltane gathering at Rollins Wood this Saturday and no other seasonal gatherings with Walk The Wheel at this time; however Rollins Wood is a community woodland with a public footpath running through so feel free to go along, enjoy being outdoors and mark the season in your own way (respectfully, of course and weather permitting!)

Which leaves me to say a huge thank you to everyone who has celebrated with me these past four years. From the early days right through to last month’s Equinox gathering; all have been a joy to hold and experience. I am blessed to know each one of you and only hope that our relationships – perhaps the greatest achievement of WtW – will continue to grow and flourish in the days, weeks and months to come.

May the Land hold you safe, the Sun light your way and the Sky smile softly upon you. Tread gently fellow Wheel Walkers.

Merry meet, merry part and merry meet again.


Spring Equinox Celebration on 19/3/16


Our venue is Springbank Arts Centre, SK22 4BH and the evening will start at 7:15pm to finish around 9pm. There is on-street parking and the venue is fully accessible to all.

**If you arrive late and we have already started, feel free to slip in quietly, grab yourself a chair and find a space in the circle – you will be welcome!**

Feel free to bring along your own seasonal something to share with the group. This could be a story, poem, picture, song, recipe, anecdote… anything at all! The only requirements are that it reflects the seasonal theme and is suitable for all ages; let yourself be inspired and your imagination run wild!

Spring has spring and life is returning to the Land!
Flowers bloom and buds begin to burst, the Sun is warm and the Sky is bright, the air filled with the sweet scent of possibility.

All that has slumbered beneath the surface during the dark, cold months is being called into being by the turning of the Wheel. Mammals are stirring, stretching, birds are building nests and we too begin to feel an urge to get out and get active!

As we reach the Equinox the Sun will once more gain dominance over the Sky, bringing longer days, warmer climes and lots of vibrant, growing energy with it. For a brief moment we are suspended in a moment of balance as day and night are of equal length; a perfect place for reflection and preperation.

If you would like to bring something to decorate for the central altar please do; being sure to take any growing things with care and respect from a safe place.

And keep your eyes peeled and take notice over the coming days for signs of the season; you never know when something worth sharing might present itself!!

The cost is £5 per person or pay-what-you-can and refreshments will be provided.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Spring Equinox; an indoor celebration

Our Outdoor Imbolc gathering was just over a week ago and though the weather was rather grey, wet and chilly there were signs of growth and the stirrings of life to be found. We explored silver birches (the tree of new beginnings) and pondered the cleansing properties of water (which was in abundance!) and how it might help us prepare for the growing season to come.

Since then we have enjoyed crisp blue skies, frosty air and even some warming sunshine (typical British weather, contrary as always!) and I hope everyone continues to enjoy the lengthening of days as we approach the Equinox.

Our next event will be an indoor gathering and details are below.

It would be lovely to see familiar faces as well as new at our Spring Equinox gathering so feel free to share this information with anyone you think might be interested.

Walk the Wheel presents…

A Seasonal Celebration


Lady Spring is drawing near
The days are getting longer
Life is growing everywhere
The Sun is getting stronger

DATE: Saturday 19th March

TIME: 7:15pm – 9pm

WHERE: Springbank Arts Centre, New Mills, SK22 4BH

Full details to follow.
Information can also be found on our Facebook group and by joining the mailing list.

**If anyone is interested in car sharing from Hadfield/Glossop area please get in touch and I will connect you with others.**

photo credit: Spring via photopin (license)

Imbolc Gathering – 6/2/2016

Brigid’s footsteps, warm and bright
Stirring seed and stirring life
Bringing all that’s buried deep
Back into the light.

We are meeting for an 11am start at Banskwood Park, Hadfield, SK13 2AH, by the main entrance (just off Park Road); if you are unsure, look or listen for the lady with a drum! See the end of this email for Travel info. Everyone is welcome and anyone under 17 must be accompanied by an adult.

Once we have gathered our fellows we will go for a walk in the park itself. Please note that although I have made every effort to make the walk as accessible as possible the park is built on an incline so there will be some uphill/downhill walking. There will also (weather permitting) be some sections where we head off path. If you have any questions please contact me and I’ll do my best to help.

There will be an opportunity to share something seasonal so feel free to bring something (story, poem, picture etc) along if you prefer; you must be able to carry it with you at all times. I am also asking everyone to bring a ribbon in a colour that inspires you. It should be around 15-30cm long.

We will aim to be out for no longer than an hour.

Please be sure to dress appropriately for the weather including sensible shoes. It is likely to be a little (or a lot!) muddy, so boots or wellys are a good idea.

There will be time afterwards to chat and socialise with some light refreshments.

The cost is £3 per adult (16+) or pay-what-you-can.


At Imbolc life begins to stir. Spring bulbs begin to germinate and some – like the intrepid Snowdrop – are already sending out shoots and even flowers.

Buds appear on tree branches, birds return to our skies and the Sun begins to make a more lasting impression as the days stretch ever longer.

In burrows under the ground animals are stirring from their Winter sleep. Some might even be up and about thanks to the mild season we have just experienced.

We humans also begin to shake off the slugishness of Wintertime; our thoughts turning to new projects and adventures for the year ahead. The increase in light ignites the spark of possibility that we have nurtured through the dark season and we can start enjoying the urge to create and do once again.

But now is not the time to leap too quickly; we should not abandon our burrows too suddenly in case the cold of Winter suddenly snaps us to attention or the melt waters overwhelm us once more. Tread carefully, follow your nose and seek inspiration to bolster your aspirations.

Welcome Brigid – Lady of Fire and Forge – whose footsteps rekindle the sparks of Life from ember into flame. Her powers of transformation and weaving can be called upon to inspire our dreaming and planning for the year ahead.

Imbolc is a time of water and earth, of mud and making careful forays into the new year. Perfect for our first Outdoor gathering!

Travel and Parking

By Car: Please note there is NO PARKING at the park itself (I was mistaken in my last email, apologies!). Parking is available on most streets in Hadfield however, including many just a few minutes walk from the park. Please contact me if you need more details.

By Train: Trains run twice an hour from Glossop and/or Manchester Piccadilly. Upon leaving Hadfield station turn immediately left (before crossing the car park!) and follow the footpath up to a main road; the park entrance is across the road.

On foot: (from Hadfield Train Station) Turn left at the bottom of the station car park, following Railway Street until you reach a junction. Turn left onto Park Road and cross over. A little way up (just after crossing the railway bridge) is the park entrance.

Looking forward to seeing you there.
Keli x

Photo credit: IMG_5365 via photopin (license)

Previous Older Entries


All written materials and images, unless otherwise stated, are property of Kelly Tomlin 2016.
We gather together to Walk the Wheel; to share with one another and be inspired.